Your soul will be defined by your ability to influence your surroundings, image is just for the physical but your intellect will teach you how to deal things…

There are no mistakes that cannot be fixed unless it is trouble want to stir, strength will never prove that one lacks a weakness….

Clouding thoughts with troubles of the past will hold back progress, learning to cope with problems will ensure you always worry less…

Greed for success should not mean that one looses their being, realise it is not a competition because life will always win…

Relationships quench the urge to live so together we thrive, however living in fear of a fellow human diminishes you ability to strive…

We should be aware of the value we poses and strides we can make, but living is no walk in the park since what you give will determine what you take…

Its all natural the struggles we must face for unscripted it is, predicting the future is only easy if reality we perceive with ease…

Character builds image and gives us a choice of who we want to be, so giving up is an easy option but for greatness do whatever makes you free…

In a world of law what will always drive you is a rule, instructions that you can’t break but if privileged its cool…

No one said anything is fair but the wild has taught us life is to be fought for, therefore if you have the ability to reason then there’s no need for the dispute to be all gore…

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